GATR Journal of Accounting and Finance Review (GATR-AFR)
Vol. 8 (1) April - June 2023
Issue DOI: 10.35609/afr.2023.8.1
Financial Literacy's Influence on Investment Decisions
Author(s): Hedwigis Esti Riwayati, Yohanes Ferry Cahaya, Markonah Markonah
Affiliation: Perbanas Institute, Indonesia
Keywords: Basic Financial Literacy, Millennial Generation, Financial Behavior, Investment Decisions
Received: April 11, 2023 | Accepted: June 30, 2023
Type of Paper: Empirical | Vol. 8(1) Page: 27 – 35
Reference to this paper should be referred to as follows: Riwayati, H.E; Cahaya,Y.F; Markonah, M. (2023). Financial Literacy's Influence on Investment Decisions, Acc. Fin. Review, 8(1), 27 – 35.
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