Accounting and Finance Review (AFR)
Vol. 3 (3) Jul-Sep 2018
The Influence of Islamic Governance on Minimizing Non-Compliance with Sharia
Author(s): Tettet Fitrijanti,* Winwin Yadiati
Affiliation: Padjajaran University, Dipati Ukur Street No. 35, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Sharia Non-compliance; Islamic Bank; Islamic GCG; Sharia Supervisory Board; Board of Directors; Board of Management.
Received: June 12, 2018 | Accepted: September 30, 2018
Type of Paper: Empirical | Vol. 3(3) Page: 70 – 76
Accrual Basis Landscape: The Absence of Political Will in Preventing Dysfunctional Behaviour in Indonesia
Author(s): Syarifuddin
Affiliation: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia
Keywords: Accrual; Accounting; Public Sector; Good Governance; Clean Government; Indonesia.
Received: June 16, 2018 | Accepted: September 30, 2018
Type of Paper: Empirical | Vol. 3(3) Page: 77 – 83
Restoration of Budget Control: How It Should Be? A Case Study of The Local Government of Indonesia
Author(s): Ratna Ayu Damayanti
Affiliation: Faculty of Economics and Business University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia
Keywords: Budget; Budget Control; Budgetary Slack; Local Wisdom; Public Sector, Indonesia.
Received: June 10, 2018 | Accepted: September 30, 2018
Type of Paper: Empirical | Vol. 3(3) Page: 84 – 92
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